KARON HAL-E-DIL KYA naat lyrics & videos {کروں حال دل کیاّ}
KARON HAL-E-DIL KYA with Lyrics and Video in Urdu got fame with voice of famous umair Zubair. KARON HAL-E-DIL KYA-کروں حال دل کیاNaat in Urdu can be listened, download, read and share to others. Lyrics of KARON HAL-E-DIL KYA are also available on naatvideos.com and many other naats with lyrics are also available here. In this Naatumair Zubair tribute to The The Holy prophet muhammad (P.B.U.H)for the forgiveness of their sins and wish reward in shape of blessing. This Naat is recorded in studio with soft melodious voice of umair Zubair.
KARON HAL-E-DIL KYA | umair Zubair | Urdu Lyrics & Video
This Urdu Naat is exclusively describes the naat khawan is naat ma apna izhare kheal beyan karta ha k menu bra yad anda madina aqa sad ly madiny gunhgar j bandy nu mj par apni nazere karm farmaand available With Duff. This Naat is praised with very Softwith out zikar. KARON HAL-E-DIL KYAis originally recited by Umair Zubair and got fame but now it is available in voice of umair Zubairby kch islamic midea.
KARON HAL-E-DIL KYA is UrduNaat available online with lyrics. A Hamd (Urdu:حمد)are the words Only in praise of The Allah Almighty, Naat is not Hamd because Hamad is the Exclusive praise of The Allah Almighty (Creator of the World) Who is Only One but a Na`at(Urdu: نعت) is a poetry that specifically praises the Holy Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم). The practice is popular in Pakistan, England, Turkey, India, Bangladesh and other some muslim countries, Properly in Urdu or Punjabi language. folks that recite Naat or Hamad are called Naat-Khua’an or Sana’a-Khua’an.
KARON HAL-E-DIL KYA lyrics in Roman/Englishkyā kare hāl-e-dil bayāñ koī na rahā zeb-e-dāstāñ koī phir hai qalb-o-nazar meñ yaksūī kaash aa jaa.e nā-gahāñ koī aañkh shabnam kī dekhtī hai kise chāñdnī meñ huā javāñ koī shahr se duur din kā phuul khilā dasht meñ bhī hai gulistāñ koī dil bhī hamrāz-e-ārzū niklā ab nahīñ apnā rāz-dāñ koī chhoḌ dukh-sukh kī manziloñ kā tavāf dil miyāñ DhūñD āstāñ koī duur apnoñ se ho rahe haiñ log dekhiye kab mile kahāñ koī kya kare haal-e-dil bayan koi na raha zeb-e-dastan koi phir hai qalb-o-nazar mein yaksui kash aa jae na-gahan koi aankh shabnam ki dekhti hai kise chandni mein hua jawan koi shahr se dur din ka phul khila dasht mein bhi hai gulistan koi dil bhi hamraaz-e-arzu nikla ab nahin apna raaz-dan koi chhoD dukh-sukh ki manzilon ka tawaf dil miyan DhunD aastan koi dur apnon se ho rahe hain log dekhiye kab mile kahan koi
KARON HAL-E-DIL KYA lyrics in Urdu/Arabic (کروں حال دل کیا)
umair Zubair is a very Famous naat reciter have very peaceful melodious voice touches to the heart of the listeners. Voice of umair Zubair always appreciated by the listeners. He Recite Hamad, Naat ,kalam and manqabat in different languages. You can listen, download and read lyrics in urdu and english online on this best platform of naats.
Naatvideos is a platform have a lot of Hamad , Naat, Urdu Naat , Punjabi Naat , Arabic Naat and Other Languages by Categories of NaatKhawan/Naat Reciter. Famous Kalam , Nasheed and Manqabat are also available in Video Format with Urdu and Roman/English Lyrics. Additional Feature added in Naatvideos is Submit , Where any user/artist can upload his naat or kalam from his computer/mobile.
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karo haal-e dil kya bayan ya muhammad |
“Disclaimer: All the Naats at NaatVideos.com are originally hosted at YouTube. This website only describes the interpretation and lyrics in different languages of Naat and Hamad, We allow our user to post their favorite naats on this portal. However if you believe that your copyrighted content has been posted without your permission, Please Contact us.”