Naat Lyrics Ya Rasool Assalam Video and Lyrics by NaatVideos

Urdu Naat

Ya Rasool Assalam with Lyrics and Video in urdu  got  fame with voice of famous Zahra Haidery. Ya Rasool Assalam-اے پیغمبر اسلامnaat in urdu can be listened, download, read and share to others. Lyrics of Ya Rasool Assalam are also available on naat and many other naats with lyrics are also available here. In this naat  Zahra Haidery tribute to The The Holy prophet muhammad (P.B.U.H) for  the forgiveness of their sins and wish reward in shape of blessing. This naat is recorded studio with soft melodious voice of Zahra Haidery.

Ya Rasool Assalam | Zahra Haidery  | urdu Lyrics & Video

This urdu naat is exclusively describes the Ya Rasool Assalam and available with duff. This naat  is praised with very Softwith out zikar. Ya Rasool Assalamis originally recited by Mohamed Youssef and got fame but now it is available in voice of Zahra HaideryStudio 5.

Ya Rasool Assalam is  urdu naat available online with lyrics. A Hamd (Urdu:حمد)are the words Only in praise of The Allah Almighty, Naat is not Hamd because Hamad is the Exclusive praise of The Allah Almighty (Creator of the World) Who is Only One but a Na`at(Urdu: نعت‎) is a poetry that specifically praises the Holy Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم). The practice is popular in Pakistan, England, Turkey, India, Bangladesh and other some muslim countries, Properly in Urdu or Punjabi  language. folks that recite Naat or Hamad are called Naat-Khua’an or Sana’a-Khua’an.

Ya Rasool Assalam lyrics in Roman/English


Yā Rasūla l-Lāh

[O Messenger of Allāh]

Qalbī mushtāq

[My heart is longing]



[For Medina]

Yā Ḥabība l-Lāh

[O Beloved of Allah]

Kullī ’ashwāq

[All my earnings]


[Are for Medina]

Li-Nabīyi l-Lāh


[For the Prophet of Allah]

Muddat bi-r-rajā’ ’ayādīnā

[Our hands are extended in hope]

Mā taruddanā yā Rasūla l-Lāh khā’ibīna

[O Messenger of Allah, our beloved, do not us send back empty-handed]

[Kurdish (refrain):]

Yā Rasūla l-Lāh

[O Messenger of God]


Yā shay Medina

[O Prince of Medina]

Har kas ‘ashgta

[Don’t break the heart of the one]

Dili mashkina

[Who loves you and is crazed for you]


To ey khorshide

Sepehre delhā

Mawlā yā mawlā

[O sun,]


[Heaven of the hearts]

[Master O Master]

Dar āsemānhā

Be bī-karānhā

Nūre to peydā

[In the heavens]

[Towards the boundless]

[Your light is visible]

Ey rahnamā o

Moalleme mā

Mawlā yā mawlā

[O guide and]

[Teacher of ours]

[Master O Master]

Habībe l-Lāh

Shafī’e l-Lāh

Payāmbare mā

[Beloved of God]

[(Our) Intercessor with God]

[Our Messenger]


Yâ Resûlallah

[O the Messenger of Allah]

Yâ Nebiyallah

[O the Prophet of Allah]

Günâhım çokdur

[My sins are so many]

Eyle şefâat

[Help me to be forgiven]

Senin aşkına

[‘Cause God will forgive me]

Affede Mevlâ

[For His love of you]

Kıl bize duâ

[Please pray for us]

Yâ Resûlallah

[O The Messenger of Allah]


Yā Rasūla l-Lāh, Bawanem, Nawet chand khowsha

[O Messenger of God, How beautiful is your name]

‘Araghet golah bawanem, Būnet wa nawsha

[The blessed beads of sweat from your luminous body, smell of flowers]

Har wak hājiyān bawānem, La dowr baytu l-Lāh bawanem



[Like the pilgrims who circumambulate the House of God]

[O my all, my beloved]

Bīm ba dawrī to ‘azīzam,

[I’d circle around you, my dearest one,]

Yā Nabī, Yā Shafī’

[O Prophet of God, O Intercessor!]


Ya Rasool Assalam lyrics in Urdu/Arabic (اے پیغمبر اسلام)

يا رسول الله

قلبي مشتاق


يا حبيب الله

كلي أشواق


لنبي الله

مدت برجاء أيادينا

ما تردنا يا رسول الله

خائبين هو خير الخلق الله رحمة للعالمين

عليه الصلاة والسلام

عليه الصلاة والسلام

يا صادق الأقوال يا محمد

يا طاهر الأخلاق يا محمد

يا هادي الأكوان يا محمد

يا تاج رسل الله يا محمد

يا خير خلق الله يا رسول الله

يا نبيّ الله صفيَّ الله يا محمد

يا وليَّ الله حفيَّ الله يا محمد

يا بشير الله نذير الله يا محمد

يا حبيب الله شفيع الله يا محمد

يا خير خلق الله يا رسول الله

يا بدر التمام

نور الظلام

عالي المقام

سيد الكرام

منقذ الأنام

عليه الصلاة والسّلام

عليه الصلاة والسّلام

يا نبيّ الله صفيَّ الله يا محمد

يا وليَّ الله حفىَّ الله يا محمد

يا بشير الله نذير الله يا محمد

يا حبيب الله شفيع الله يا محمد

يا خير خلق الله يا رسول الله

يا نبيّ الله صفيَّ الله يا محمد

يا وليَّ الله حفىَّ الله يا محمد

يا بشير الله نذير الله يا محمد

يا حبيب الله شفيع الله يا محمد

يا خير خلق الله يا رسول الله

يا نبيّ الله صفيَّ الله وليَّ الله محمد

يا حبيب الله شفيع الله نذير الله محمد

يا ختام الأنبياء يا رسول الله

يا إمام الأنبياء يا رسول الله

يا دواء كلِّ داءِ يا رسول الله

ياربَّ المُصطفى (الله الله)

بجاهِ المُصطفى (الله الله)

اغفر الذنوب استر العيوب

اهدي القلوب لكي تتوب (الله)

ضاعف الثواب يمّن الكتاب

أبعد العذاب يوم الحساب

اغفر الذنوب استر العيوب

اهدي القلوب لكي تتوب (الله)

ضاعف الثواب يمّن الكتاب

أبعد العذاب يوم الحساب

يا رسولي يا حبيبي يا نبيَّ الله

يا شفيعي يا بشيري يا صفيَّ الله

يا رسول الله

يا نبيّ الله صفيَّ الله يا محمد

يا وليَّ الله حفيَّ الله يا محمد

يا بشير الله نذير الله يا محمد

يا حبيب الله شفيع الله يا محمد

يا خير خلق الله يا رسول الله

يا نبيّ الله صفيَّ الله يا محمد

يا وليَّ الله حفيَّ الله يا محمد

يا بشير الله نذير الله يا محمد

يا حبيب الله شفيع الله يا محمد

يا خير خلق الله يا رسول الله



Zahra Haidery is a very Famous naat  recite  have very peaceful melodious voice touches to the heart of the listeners. Voice of Zahra Haidery always appreciated by the listeners. He Recite Hamad, Naat ,kalam and manqabat in different languages. You can listen, download and read lyrics in urdu and english online on this best platform of naats.

Naatvideos is a platform have a lot of Hamad , Naat, Urdu Naat , Punjabi Naat , Arabic Naat and Other Languages by Categories of NaatKhawan/Naat Reciter. Famous Kalam , Nasheed and Manqabat are also available in Video Format with Urdu and Roman/English Lyrics. Additional Feature added in Naatvideos is Submit , Where any user/artist can upload his naat or kalam from his computer/mobile.

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“Disclaimer: All the Naats at are originally hosted at YouTube. This website only describes the interpretation and lyrics in different languages of Naat and Hamad, We allow our user to post their favorite naats on this portal. However if you believe that your copyrighted content has been posted without your permission, Please Contact us.”


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