Persian Naat Ze Rehmat Kun Nazar Lyrics and Video by NaatVideos
Ze Rahmat Kun Nazr Bar Haal with Lyrics and Video in parsion got fame with voice of famous umair ali mehrvi. Ze Rahmat Kun Nazr Bar Haal-ذی رحمت یاک نظر بارnaat in parsion can be listened, download, read and share to others. Lyrics of Ze Rahmat Kun Nazr Bar Haal are also available on naat and many other naats with lyrics are also available here. In this naat umair ali mehrvi tribute to The The Holy prophet muhammad (P.B.U.H) for the forgiveness of their sins and wish reward in shape of blessing. This naat is recorded in studio with soft melodious voice of umair ali mehrvi.
Ze Rahmat Kun Nazr Bar Haal | umair ali mehrvi | parsion Lyrics & Video
This parsion naat is exclusively describes the and available with duff. This naat is praised with very Softwith out zikar. Ze Rahmat Kun Nazr Bar Haalis originally recited by Muhammad Azam Chishti | Jami and got fame but now it is available in voice of umair ali mehrviumair ali mehrvi official.
Ze Rahmat Kun Nazr Bar Haal is parsion naat available online with lyrics. A Hamd (Urdu:حمد)are the words Only in praise of The Allah Almighty, Naat is not Hamd because Hamad is the Exclusive praise of The Allah Almighty (Creator of the World) Who is Only One but a Na`at(Urdu: نعت) is a poetry that specifically praises the Holy Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم). The practice is popular in Pakistan, England, Turkey, India, Bangladesh and other some muslim countries, Properly in Urdu or Punjabi language. folks that recite Naat or Hamad are called Naat-Khua’an or Sana’a-Khua’an.
Ze Rahmat Kun Nazr Bar Haal lyrics in Roman/EnglishZe rehmat yak nazar bar haal-e-zaram Ya Rasool Allah Ghareebam, beynawayam, khaaksaram Ya Rasool Allah Tui taskeen-e-dil, araam-e-jaan, sabr o qarar-e-man Rukh-e-pur noor banuma, bey qararam Ya Rasool Allah Dam e aakhir numai jalwah deedar Jaami Ze lutfe tu hamee umeedwaaram Ya Rasool Allah Ya Rasool Allah Sall’Allahu Alaihi Wasallam, Please cast one blessed glance on my state, I am in distress, in need of aid and assistance Ya Rasool Allah! ( Sall’Allahu Alaihi Wasallam) Only you are the solace to my heart, Only You are the comfort for my soul, Only You are the peace and contentment for my heart. Bless me with the honour of your Blessed vision for I am restless and yearning Ya Rasool Allah. ( Sall’Allahu Alaihi Wasallam) When it is the time of death bless Jaami with the honour of your vision, I live with this hope from your Mercy Ya Rasool Allah. (Sall’Allahu Alaihi Wasallam) Huzoor Molana Abdul Rahman Jami Alayhirrahmah. Translated by khaakpaaye Imam Ahmad Raza Radi Allahu Anhu Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi.
Ze Rahmat Kun Nazr Bar Haal lyrics in Urdu/Arabic (ذی رحمت یاک نظر بار)ذی رحمت یاک نظر بار حلم یا رسول اللہ غریبم، بینوایام، خاکسارم یا رسول اللہ توئی تسکینِ دل، آرام جان، صبر و قرارِ انسان رخ پور نور بنوما، بی قرارام یا رسول اللہ دم آخر نمائی جلوہ دیدار جامی۔ ذی لطفے تو ہمی امیدوارم یا رسول اللہ یا رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم میری حالت پر ایک نظر کرم فرما میں مصیبت میں ہوں، مدد و نصرت کا محتاج ہوں یا رسول اللہ! (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) میرے دل کا سکون صرف تم ہو میری روح کا سکون صرف تُو ہے صرف تُو ہی میرے دل کا سکون اور اطمینان ہے۔ مجھے اپنی بصارت کا شرف عطا فرما کیونکہ میں بے چین اور تڑپ رہا ہوں یا رسول اللہ۔ (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) جب موت کا وقت ہو تو جامی کو اپنی بصارت کا شرف عطا فرما میں تیری رحمت سے اسی امید پر جی رہا ہوں یا رسول اللہ۔ (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) حضور مولانا عبدالرحمٰن جامی رحمہ اللہ۔ ترجمہ: خاکپائے امام احمد رضا رضی اللہ عنہ فقیر محمد شکیل قادری ردوی۔
umair ali mehrvi is a very famous naat recite have very peaceful melodious voice touches to the heart of the listeners. Voice of umair ali mehrvi always appreciated by the listeners. He Recite Hamad, Naat ,kalam and manqabat in different languages. You can listen, download and read lyrics in urdu and english online on this best platform of naats.
Naatvideos is a platform have a lot of Hamad , Naat, Urdu Naat , Punjabi Naat , Arabic Naat and Other Languages by Categories of NaatKhawan/Naat Reciter. Famous Kalam , Nasheed and Manqabat are also available in Video Format with Urdu and Roman/English Lyrics. Additional Feature added in Naatvideos is Submit , Where any user/artist can upload his naat or kalam from his computer/mobile.
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